Search engines highly value a good click-through rate (CTR). After all, in the pay-per-click model, the search engine earns more money the more clicks it receives. However, CTR is also valuable to advertisers.

Users will use a search engine when they have a query and are trying to find an answer. They are stating a need or desire.

Users are quite clear about what they are looking for, making search a terrific tool! They’ve already decided what they need, and they’re now looking for it. Your first action as an advertiser in satisfying that need is to create an effective paid search ad.

Let’s review this metric’s fundamentals and how you may use them in your marketing initiatives.

What Is a Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

Your CTR compares the number of clicks received by your campaign with the number of times users see it.

You can monitor a CTR for various digital marketing channels, but you’ll often use this statistic to track PPC, SEO, paid social, and email campaigns. Because these efforts all aim to send users to a particular homepage, CTR performs well for them.

Let’s say you have a PPC ad running. You can easily track who saw your advertisement and clicked on it. The CTR metric can be used to assess how well your ad is performing in this situation.

Your click-through rate is not a stand-alone metric. Other metrics like conversion rate and bounce rate are vital to monitor too.

CTR serves as a metric that reveals the effectiveness of your ad to searchers. When you have a high CTR, your users find your ad relevant, and a low CTR means that it’s not.

Any PPC campaign’s main objective is to attract relevant users to your website, who will then take the necessary action. The first stage in increasing the relevance of your ads and encouraging the required actions is to increase CTR.

How to Calculate Click-Through Rate (CTR)?

Although most marketing tools will handle the math, you can easily do it yourself. Divide the number of clicks your ad received by the total number of impressions your ad generated to find your campaign’s CTR. Then, multiply the result by 100 to get your CTR.

CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) x 100

Importance of Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Due to the direct impact it has on your Quality Score, the click-through rate is important to your account.

Google Ads and other search marketing platforms offer price breaks for advertising that provides high relevance. One way to achieve this is by giving advertisements with high Google Ads click-through rates better Quality Scores:

  • High-Quality Scores are a direct result of high click-through rates.
  • High-Quality Scores let you keep or increase your ad position while spending less money.

A high click-through rate indicates that you are directing the most individuals to your offering if you advertise on relevant searches.

What Affects Click-Through Rates (CTR)?

There are a lot of factors that may impact your Click-Through Rates (CTR), but below are the most common of them: 


Ensure that your content is appropriate for the channel and landing page to which it is related. This implies that the message of any advertisement, email, or campaign should match that of its landing page. This is crucial for your CTRs, bounce rate, and eventual conversion in addition to your CTRs.

Ad Rank

Where your advertisement appears on a page will also impact your PPC CTR (ad rank). Your ad rank is determined by your quality score, relevancy, and willingness to bid (CPC budget).


The user’s device can impact your CTR across all channels, even if it is mainly outside our control. Web Marketing Pros claims that mobile CTRs are typically higher than desktop CTRs. If you’re on a tight budget, you can use this by narrowing your intended audience by the device. 

However, remember that this is not always the case, and you risk losing out on hits and consumers by restricting your audience to specific devices.

The Difference Between CTR for PPC and Organic Search?

The same formula is used to determine your CTR across all digital marketing channels. For each channel, you’ll interpret your CTR numbers differently.

For instance, your organic CTR is known as the percentage of searchers that click on your page from the SERPs. An organic CTR rate might give you more information about where the page ranks since your clicks are heavily influenced by where your page appears on the SERP.

However, the CTR of a PPC ad is also influenced by other elements, such as the message of the ad, the delivery method, and the intended audience.

What Makes a Good CTR?

According to statistics alone, having a good CTR depends on the campaign you’re running, the keywords you’re focusing on, the distribution channel, and the goal of your advertisement. Even though you want a “high” click-through rate, there isn’t a magic click-through rate.

The typical click-through rate varies by industry and various factors, including the position of your ad, which then determines your anticipated CTR.

Consider using your click-through rate to discover which content your users find relevant.

A good click-through rate and, similarly, a poor click-through rate depends on various factors, including:

  • The Industry – The industry in which a piece of marketing content operates determines a decent CTR benchmark. You must study the industry average CTR in your industry to ascertain what constitutes a decent average CTR for you and your company. Once you have that number, research the best practices for each form of link you intend to employ.
  • The Keyword – You should have a strategy for the particular CTR range you’re aiming for since some keywords may lend themselves to a higher or lower CTR than others. A higher CTR can be beneficial if you want to attract customers to your website based on a particular keyword or phrase you created. 

However, if the keyword or phrase you created is not converting, that is, if people are not purchasing what you’re selling, a high CTR is not beneficial, and you might have been using negative keywords. A high CTR could be bad for business if you’re paying for those keywords, as you would in a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.

  • The Location of the Link – A good CTR depends on both the location of the link within the ad content and the position of the ad itself if you are using a display ad. Therefore, while attempting to calculate a quality score for your CTR, you must consider the link’s placement in addition to other elements. 
  • The Type of Link – The type of link you use will also affect your ability to have a high click-through rate. All types of advertising campaigns, including PPC, email, display, social network, and Google Ads, use the CTR metric.

Tips on How to Improve Your CTR

If you are worried about your CTRs, you can try many tactics to improve, which include:

Utilising Ad Extensions

According to Google, utilising ad extensions in PPC campaigns might enhance your CTR. Reviews, locations, site links, and call buttons are all examples of ad extensions. It takes up more space on the SERP, drawing more users’ attention to you.

Grab Attention With Symbols

Emojis or symbols in the subject line of an email or an advertisement can help draw customers’ attention.   When placed next to other ads promoting the same product or service, it makes an ad stand out (if used properly). Symbols truly help an ad stand out in a sea of words.

Use CTAs

Tell users what you want them to do using CTAs. Use action verbs in your CTA, such as “Buy,” “Call,” “Shop,” and “Buy Now,” and link it to a landing page that uses the same language as the ad copy.

Understand Your Target Audience

To acquire more clicks with fewer views, you must ensure that your advertisement is seen by those interested in your offer. You can target your ads more precisely the more information you have about your audience.

Organic traffic insights tools allow you to access your most crucial Google Analytics and Google Search Console statistics on a single dashboard. You may leverage the information from your organic traffic to create more effective ads by learning more about how your target audience finds and uses your website.

Conduct A/B Test

Testing can seem obvious, but it’s crucial to make sure you’ve thought of every aspect that might lead to poor CTRs. The content and landing pages you utilise, as well as each phase of the user journey, should all be put to the test.

Keyword Research

Do your keyword research before creating a PPC or paid social campaign. Knowing the correct keywords to target will help you avoid wasting time and money on ineffective targeting.

It will be more difficult for you to rank in a position that receives a high click-through rate if you are aiming for a highly competitive keyword. Similarly, generating enough clicks will be more difficult if you choose a keyword with a low search volume.

Achieve Strong Click-Through Rate With Us Today!

Several factors can influence how likely it is for someone to click on your content or ads and increase your CTR. Remember that higher click-through rates will likely result in better Quality Scores, and better Quality Scores are among the best indicators of PPC success.

Our team of SEO and digital marketing experts at TopRankings has more than 20 years of industry experience that can help you optimise your CTR, which will not only be beneficial for your business metrics but will also lead to successful PPC campaigns. Grow and sustain your leads with us! Reach out today to get your obligation-free chemistry call.